
 2024年3月19日(火曜日)  80,906




【1】何がいるのですか? 何か珍しい鳥がいるのですか? ☛What is there? ☛Is there something rare? ☛Is there something interesting?【2】今何が鳴いているのですか?☛What is now singing? What is now calling?【3】あの木の上に鳴いている鳥の種類は何ですか?☛What is (the species of) the bird singing on that tree?【4】群れの中に一羽だけ違う鳥がいますが何ですか?☛There is only one bird which differs from others in that flock. What’s that? 【5】目的地まで、どのくらい時間が掛かりますか?☛How long does it take to our destination?
1.日本酒の原料はお米で出来ています。☞Sake is made from rice through fermentation. ★fermentation 発酵作用
2.おいしい水が採取できる産地の日本酒はおいしいと言われています。 ☞It is said that sake made in the areas with tasty water is quite delicious.3.日本酒を造るときに出来る酒粕というものがあり、日本料理に利用されています。
☞The sake lees, which are dregs from making sake, are used for Japanese dishes. *酒粕 sake lees
1.毎年 10 月ごろにオオハクチョウが野付湾に来はじめます。Whooper Swans start to arrive in the Notsuke Bay in October every year (every October).2.オオハクチョウは野付湾が凍り始める1月ごろまでここで過ごします。Whooper Swans stay here until January when the Notsuke Bay starts to freeze over. 3.野付湾が凍るとその上を歩くことが できます。 We can walk on the sea when the Notsuke bay gets frozen over.4.水深が浅く、波がないので野付湾は凍るのです。①The Notsuke Bay is easy to freeze over because it is very shallow and has no waves.②The Notsuke Bay is easily frozen over as it is shallow enough to eliminate waves. 5.野付湾が凍っていても、漁師さんたちは漁をします。The fishermen continue fishing (=fish) even if the bay is frozen over. 6. 氷に穴を開けて、そこに網を通して魚をとります。They make a hole on the ice and put a net into the water to catch fish.7. この漁が始まると、オオワシやオジロワシがたくさん集まってきます。☞Lots of Steller's Sea Eagles and White-tailed Eagles gather around the holes when this unique style of fishing starts.ワシたちは漁師さんの投げる雑魚を待っているのです。☞The eagles are waiting for small fish thrown by the fishermen.9. 野付湾にはアマモという海草がたくさん生えています。 ☞繁茂している ☞Seaweed called “Amamo” grow thick in the Notsuke Bay.10. アマモは野付湾の約7割を覆っています。☞Amamo covers about 70% of the Notsuke Bay. 1.アマモには、水を浄化したり、海底を安定させる作用があります。☞Amamo has the effect of purifying water and stabilizing the seabed. ☞Amamo is quite important. Amamo purifies sea water. It also stabilize the seabed. 2.アマモの中には北海しまえびが住んでいます。☞Amamo is an essential place (habitat) for supporting growth of Hokkai Shrimps. *あれは稚魚(天然・放流)の成長を育む魚礁です。☞That is a fish reef for supporting growth of (natural/released) fry. *fry:稚魚(単複同形) 3.6月と10月に野付湾では北海しまえび漁が行われます。☞Hokkai-shrimp fishing is carried out every June and October in the Notsuke Bay. ☞In Notsuke Bay, people are engaged in Hokkai-shrimp fishing every June and October.4.打瀬船と呼ばれる 船で、動力を使わず風の力だけで網を引いてエビを獲ります。Hokkai shrimp are caught with a boat called Utase bune using only wind power. ☞Special boats called “Utasebune” are used for fishing Hokkai Shrimps. They pull nets to catch them, but they never use electric power to move. They only use wind power, which is very eco-friendly.5.これはエビの住処であるアマモを傷つけないよう自然に配慮した漁法です This is an environmentally friendly fishing method not to damage Amamo which is the bed of Hokkai shrimp.☞In addition, this fishing method is very environment-friendly as they don’t damage Amamo by screws or propellers of fishing boats. *environment-friendly energy saving cup 環境にやさしい省エネカップ 1 野付半島は砂でできた半島です。The Notsuke Peninsula is made of sand. 2 野付半島は、知床半島の方から砂が流れて積もった半島です。It has been formed by tidally accumulated sand, which has been carried by the current from Shiretoko Pen. 3 約 3000 年かけてこの半島ができたと言われています。It is said that the peninsula has been formed over about 3,000 years. The research says it took about 3,000 years for this peninsula to be formed. 4 野付半島はプレートの沈み込みにより、1 年に約 1.5cm ずつ沈下しています。Notsuke Peninsula is sinking about 1.5cm per year because of plate vement. 5 沈下による海水の浸食で、トドマツがすべて枯れてしまいました。All of the Todo Firs (Abies sachalinensis) have died here because of coastal erosion caused by the sinking of land. 6 数十年前は、ここにはトドマツの枯れ木がたくさん転 がっていました。A lot of fallen trees of Todo Fir were lying on the ground decades ago. 7 その様子は木の墓場と呼ばれ、一種異様な雰囲気を醸し出していました。The place was called " a grave yard of dead trees" and brought about a strange and mysterious atmosphere all over.8 倒れた枯れ木は徐々に波で流され、今は根っこが少し残っている程度です。The fallen dead trees have been gradually swept away by waves. There are only a few roots left now.9 いま残っている数本の枯れ木もいずれは全部倒れてしまうでしょう。The several dead trees left now will eventually fall over. The remaining several dead trees will all fall down in the near future.10 トドワラはかつては森だったが、今は荒涼とした景色が広がっています。Todowara used to be a green forest, but now the bleak treeless scenery is spreading.11 野付半島はラムサール条約の登録湿地です。The Notsuke Peninsula is a Ramsar wetland which is registered with Ramsar Convention.**ラムサール登録湿地の一つです。The Notsuke Peninsula is one of the Ramsar registered wetlands. **2005年にラムサール条約=協定の下で登録された湿地です。The Notsuke Peninsula is a wetland which was registered under the Ramsar Convention in 2005. 13 野付半島では今までに 250 種以上の野鳥が観察されています。More than 250 bird species have been confirmed in Notsuke Peninsula. More than 250 species of wild bird have been observed (recorded) in the Notsuke Peninsula.14 これは日本全国で見 られる野鳥の約 4 割に相当します。It is equivalent to 40 percent of the birds which have been confirmed in Japan. This is equivalent to about 40% of the wild birds found throughout Japan. 15 毎年春から秋にかけて 5 つがいほどのタンチョウが、繁殖、子育てのために野付半島で過ごします。About 5 pairs of Red crowned cranes breed and stay from spring to autumn here in the Notsuke Peninsula. About 5 pairs of Red-crowned Cranes stay here in the Notsuke Peninsula to breed and raise their chicks from spring to autumn every year.

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 2024年10月02日(水曜日)   111,193 今日の多摩川中流域。今日はとてもうれしい事がありました。 今年は8月の豪雨による激しい増水に見舞われた多摩川ですが、増水の前後から行方不明になっていた 「片翼のカワアイサ」が、今日見つかったのです。 奇跡です。もう1か月以上...